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  • Sister Sarah Cummings

Alma 31:5

This week we saw SO. MANY. MIRACLES!!!! • We met with our friend and shared about the restoration and before we left she admitted to us that she had been baptized into our church like 20 years ago!!!! What?? She's really felt the importance of religion in her life recently and we're pumped to help her come back to church and help her family get baptized too!! • We met with our cute member who was baptized a couple years ago and is going through some really hard stuff right now. We read the talk "Divine Discontent" with her and she just kept on stopping and saying "This is EXACTLY what I need right now!!" By the end, she had made some goals of things she needs to stop doing and things she needs to start doing, and she was super excited to make some changes! I'm so grateful for the Holy Ghost who guides us and allows us to help Heavenly Father's children in exactly the way they need it. I didn't know what she needed, but God sure did. • We had our first ever Book of Mormon English class this week where we just study the Book of Mormon in English and it went SUPER well!! Lots of non members came and we were able to read the introduction and explain why the Book of Mormon is important in our church! We'll be starting from 1 Nephi this upcoming week:)) • After a super random series of events that included meeting a less active member from my old area in the Gwangju bus terminal, we met this Vietnamese lady who the 충장 sisters started teaching!! Sister Harrison lived in Vietnam for 8 years so she's going to help her learn Korean and teach her the gospel!!! woot woot ^^ • We met with this sweet old lady who was also baptized a couple years ago. We help her study English and then we share a message. When we asked her why she wants to study English, she said she wants to be able to communicate with new missionaries who can't yet speak Korean. SO cute. • Our friend in Naju wanted to come to a branch BBQ that they were throwing but would only go if we went too! So I got to go back and see my cute Naju family!!! AH I love them. Our friend had a good time and was able to talk with the members and we're hoping that she'll be able to attend church in Naju sometime soon!! We're not there, which makes it a but difficult, but members are key!!! • We met the Busan mission president and his wife!!! They're cute!! But I'm not going to lie, I miss President and Sister Madsen. Lots of new rules and changes, but it will be good! I know that was more than you probably ever wanted to know. But I love you all, I'm grateful for all your love and support, and I'll be sending out my last group email next week (wut) so stay tuned!!


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