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20 or 46??? Who knows?

Sister Sarah Cummings

HIYA PEOPLE hope you all had an incredible past week and laughed lots!!!

On Wednesday we went bowling with these two cute less actives!! Unfortunately, my Wii Sports bowling skills didn't transfer, and due to bumpers not being a thing in Korea, I believe we set a record for the most gutter balls in one game. We paid for a whole hour, but we wisely decided to leave early and eat 떡볶이 instead. Much more fun and rewarding!!

We teach English class every Wednesday and Saturday and there's this cute little boy who comes. He's like 10 years old and I believe the only English word he knows is "poo". It keeps things entertaining for sure. Another boy in the class was trying to guess how old I am and he guessed 46. I left America a teenager but I guess I'm coming back as a middle aged woman woot!!

On Sunday morning as we did daily planning, I was feeling kind of down because we had worked super hard during the week, but we had no friends or less actives who said they could come to church that day. I was praying in my heart all morning for someone to come, and I just felt this overwhelming sense of peace and felt like everything would work out. 5 minutes before church started, this cute couple walked in. They said their friend who lives in Seoul is a member and they wanted to come check out our church!!! They stayed for both hours and really loved it. A member from our ward invited them over to their house last night for family home evening, which we attended too and it was so good!! It turns out that she had lived in Utah for a month with a host family who were members, and she just loved the feeling in their home and the way that they lived. She's had interest ever since, and she said that they would for sure come to church next week too!! It was such an awesome experience and reminder that everything definitely happens in the Lord's timing. I'm so grateful to be here to help these people take steps towards their Savior!!

Also thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!!! Blessed with the best for sure!!

--Sister Cummings

Daejeon-si PO Box 38

34630 South Korea

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