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Sister Sarah Cummings

This past week was crazy with moving to a new area and all the Christmas prep, but I'll make this short so you can quickly get back to your yuletiding:) Here's the highlights:

* I have a real dining table now!! (in my last area we had a foot tall mini plastic foldout table) So now when I eat food, I get to sit in a real chair at a real table and I'm pumped about it.

* Naju branch has puppies and chickens that we keep on a small field next to the church. The puppies are SO cute and the members let us take home the eggs from the chickens, so I'm as happy as can be:)

* The members are the cutest, most welcoming people ever and I really just feel like when I came to Naju, I came home (or at least my Korean home hahah)

* We had a stake Christmas fireside and all the missionaries in the stake sang White Christmas and did a shadow nativity!! I also go to see a couple sisters from Suncheon branch! Good day.

* I got to talk to my super cute family today and my nieces and nephews are all so big already and of course I bawled like a baby but what can ya do? AH family is the best I'm tellin ya.

OK that's all for this week:) Hope you all have a very happy, Christ centered Christmas!!

--Sister Cummings

Daejeon-si PO Box 38

34630 South Korea

1) Our cute Christmas tree and stockings!!

2) Christmas morning

3-5) food we ate this week bc I realized that I took like no pictures hehe

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