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the time has come ㅠ

Sister Sarah Cummings

Hi favorite people! Super short on time, but this past week went by in like .2 seconds and it's all a blur!! So I'll sum it up real quick:)

We visited lots of our cute members, a girl on the bus quizzed me on my kpop knowledge and I failed, we talked lots about Christmas in English class because I'm determined to get these cute Koreans pumped about the holiday, we ate one of the biggest pizzas I've ever seen and I almost threw up, we went caroling with our awesome district and no one listened (but it's the thought that counts right?), and last but not least, we got transfer calls!! I will be leaving my beloved Suncheon and transferring to Naju! My new comp is 길서진 자매님 (Sister Gil) who I was already companions with for 2 weeks a few transfers ago!! She's the CUTEST and I'm super pumped! I'm going to miss SO many people here, but I'm excited to see what this next transfer has in store! Every single transfer I am reminded how Heavenly Father knows me personally. He knows my needs and the needs of those around me, and He's worked through me time and time again to bless the lives of His children in simple ways. WOOT missions are the best!!

LOVE YOU ALL have a good CHRISTmas centered week<3

--Sister Cummings

1) message cards for the members!!

2) santa

3) the pizza


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