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추석 and 농구!!

Sister Sarah Cummings

Good morning from the land of chopsticks and lots and lots of 할머니s!

Right now in Korea we're celebrating 추석 (aka Korean Thanksgiving)!! It's a super huge holiday here (basically our equivalent of Christmas) when everyone gets work/school off, travels to their hometown, and essentially spends 3 days eating and sleeping with their fam bam!! For missionaries it means that we don't have any appointments and there aren't many people on the street to talk to, but we've been able to find creative ways to keep the work moving forward:)

Did you know that you can eat basically any food with chopsticks? Whole fish, cake, salad, you name it! These cute Koreans continue to impress me every day.

We went on splits with the 전주 STLs this week!! One of their friends likes playing sports (super rare for girls in Korea) so we got together, read the Book of Mormon, then suited up and hit the basketball court! I was a little rusty after 8 months, but it was still a party!!

We met with our cute friend 김서희 자매님 this week. She's SUPER into English, not as into the gospel, but we're making some progress!! After our English lesson, we talked some more about prayer, and she's starting to open up a little bit! At the end, she said the closing prayer and she thanked Heavenly Father for sending his daughters to her. My heart melted just a little bit.

Also, real quick shout out to my super cute mom who sent me an apple themed package in honor of Johnny Appleseed's birthday (pictures attached). Truly blessed with the best:)

Quote of the week:

"You don't have the power to make rainbows or waterfalls, sunsets or roses, but you do have the power to bless people by your words and smiles and your sincere interest in them. Think of it--you carry within you the power to make the world better for someone each day!!"

Go out and find someone who needs your help:)

--Sister Cummings

Daejeon-si PO Box 38

34630 South Korea

1-2) cute package from the mom<3

3) KIMCHI (can't go a day without it:))

4) our mission leader and his wife took us to a buddhist temple last pday!

5) 설빙!! if I don't come home at the end of 18 months, this is why.

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