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ice skating and a buddhist monk!!

Sister Sarah Cummings

Hi team!! This week was a super good one so stay tuned:)

We went ice skating for a YM/YW activity and lemme tell ya--it was an adventure. Everyone had to wear helmets, and I wasn't sure why until I got out on the ice. Those ice skates probably haven't been sharpened since the early 1900s. People were falling all over the place, and I barely made it out alive. However, our cute friend 김혜빈 자매님 came and had a blast, so it was all worth it!

We teach an English class twice a week for this cute group of 50ish year old ladies, and they are all my favorite people. They bring food every time, and we eat and learn English together and it's a party! This week I taught them the word "awesome". They were super confused and used it in ways that made no sense, but they're the cutest so I let it slide.

We had Zone Conference this week at 금산사, a Buddhist temple! It was awesome to learn more about their beliefs, and to see how the gospel of Jesus Christ and Buddhism are similar in lots of ways! While we were taking a zone group picture, we heard a voice from inside the temple say, "where are the foreigners??" (in Korean) and then this monk came running out of the building towards us. I was scared that we had treaded on holy ground or something like that, but he pulled out his phone and asked if he could get a picture with us!! What a guy.

Our mission made a goal to read the whole Book of Mormon before November 1st! As I read 1 Nephi for the umpteenth time (hehe), I realized what an important role faith plays in our personal conversion. Nephi and Laman went on a very similar journey. They both fled Jerusalem, returned to get the plates, saw angels, wandered in the wilderness, built a boat, and sailed to the promised land. Though the chronilogical events are nearly identical, their personal journies couldn't have been more different. Laman often doubted and complained, even after being given sign after sign. Nephi had faith, trusting in his father, both mortal and heavenly, and he constantly relied upon his Savior. Through reading 1 Nephi this week, I learned that our personal growth and development have little to do with our circumstances and almost everything to do with how we react to them. I challenge you all to take some time to read from the Book of Mormon this week and, if you're feeling extra motivated, email me and tell me what you learned!!

Love you all!! Have a blessed week<3

--Sister Cummings

Daejeon-si PO Box 38

34630 South Korea

1-3) visted suncheon bay national gardens last pday!

4-5) zone conference at buddhist temple!!

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