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Contact Me For All Your Anchovy-Gutting Needs

Sister Sarah Cummings

We helped the less active member gut Anchovies again this past week, and she told me that I'm a natural. So if any of you need any help in the Anchovy department, I'm your girl!

We also made 호떡 (a yummy Korean dessert pancake thingy) with a member and her granddaughters, and one of them was seriously a Korean version of Amya (my cute niece). It was so fun to spend time with them, and it felt just like I was helping out my cute mom in the kitchen (which I should have done more often at home--regrets).

Also, in Korea they have this food that is kind of chicken soup but it's literally an entire chicken in a big bowl with like 4 tablespoons of broth at the bottom. We ate it at a member's house, and when I saw the chicken in a bowl, I thought it was for all of us to share---nope! We each got our own individual chicken, whcih we ate while exclusively using chopsticks. Gotta love Korea:):)

I was able to spend a few days with Sister Nymon (STL) this week, and I learned so much from her about missionary work and missions in general (she's the best). My mission so far has been nothing like what I thought it would be, but I find so much peace in knowing that I'm learning the things Heavenly Father needs me to learn and experiencing the things that He would have me experience, and that I can take those experiences and use them to help others!!


ps shoutout to my awesome momma for sending me a package and a watermelon this week:):)

--Sis Cummings

커밍스 자매

1) korean food<3

2) a railroad

3)spent the pday with ma cute homie sis russell!! (from the MTC)

4) my cute district (minus STLs)

5) watermelon my momma sent:)

6) anchovies for dayyyyssss

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