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Sister Sarah Cummings

AH sorry I have no time so this will be short but I'M IN KOREA!! A couple of highlights from the week:

So there's this thing here in every apartment called a boiler. The hot water runs through the pipes under the floor and it heats up the floor (BEST THING EVER) and you need to press a button to switch it from running under the floor to running hot water to the sink/shower. My trainer forgot to mention this, so when I took a shower, it was honestly the coldest shower of my life. I didn't know about the boiler, so I thought that all showers in Korea were like this and that this was how the next 16 months of my life would be. Haha we had a good laugh about it afterwards.

Also, all my dreams in the entire world came true because we went to a dog cafe. It's literally a cafe with a bunch of dogs running around. I just sat there drinking my smoothie with a dog on my lap and other dogs happily running around me. I've never been happier. I'll attach some pictures.

This past week, there were some hard times and some hard adjustments. However, through the hard times, there have been many experiences that have shown me that God is here with me every step of the way. I was reading in 2 Nephi chapter 4 this week, and a phrase in verses 19 and 20 jumped out at me: "I know in whom I have trusted. My God hath been my support; He hath led me through mine afflictions." This verse brought me a lot of comfort this past week, because I do know in whom I have trusted, and He will be my support on the good days and the not-as-good days.

I love you all!!! I don't have a ton of time today, so I won't be able to personally reply to everyone. But I do love all of you and pray for you all the time!!!


--Sister Cummings

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