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Costa Vida, Kickboxing, and a Hard Good-bye

Sister Sarah Cummings

What a great week!!

To start off, both Katie/Bonnie and my mom sent me Costa Vida on Friday, which was the best thing ever and the best meal that I've had since being here at the MTC (don't worry, I shared). Katie and Bonnie sent it in a Kotex box so that the MTC workers wouldn't open it (you're not really supposed to send food), and my mom sent it in a box with dry ice so that it would stay cold. BLESSED WITH THE BEST!!!:):)

This week some sisters in my zone and I went to an early morning kickboxing class, and it was SO FUN! I'm still sore from the class haha and one of the Korean sisters in our zone threw up bc she couldn't handle it. It was intense, but super good!!

Today was our district's last time in the temple. It was so hard to walk out of there for the last time for the next 16 months. The temple brings me SO much peace every week, and it was a SUPER hard goodbye. But it's ok, because for the next 16 months I get to help people go through the temple for themselves, which will be the GREATEST experience.

This week I've been thinking a lot about Christ's Atonement. He suffered for our sins, for our pains, and for our weaknesses. When no one else in the world understands, HE DOES. Through Him, we can find peace in the most chaotic of times. Through Him, we can be happy despite our circumstances. Through Him, we can receive strength and power to change. I am so grateful for my Savior!!! I testify that He LIVES and He LOVES US. I am so grateful to be a missionary and spread His message of HOPE to the people of Korea:):)


Also, I will be flying to Korea next Monday (AHHHH) so the next email I write will be in 2 weeks!!

--Sister Cummings

1) The New District (LOVE THEM!!)

2 & 3) Salad from the Momma:)

4 & 5) Salad from Katie/Bonnie

6) My District!! (last time in the temple)

7) Daejeon Missionaries!!! <3

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